
InTouch Interactive Touchscreen Table Technology from E&E Exhibit Solutions. Exhibitsusa.

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InTouch Interactive Touchscreen Table Technology from E&E Exhibit Solutions

While technology has put a focus on smaller tablets and handheld Smart Phones, trade show exhibitors are preparing for the newest sales tool available: the large, touchscreen interactive table.

Most vendors are still in preproduction mode, but as of 2013, E&E Exhibit Solutions now offers the latest in presentation technology to rent or purchase, the InTouch interactive touch screen table.

The table is available as a full-height table in five designs or as a coffee table perfect for showcasing your latest in video marketing, sales presentation and/or online product demonstrations.

InTouch Interactive Touch Screen Table Attracts Visitors

Trade show attendees will flock to your tradeshow display to experience this state-of-the-art technology. The large screen allows multiple people to view your presentation at once and the technology is sophisticated enough to be customized to your company colors, logo and product literature.

Attendees can interact with the touchscreen, accessing all social media outlets to create word of mouth buzz about your company.

Improve the Sales Experience with our Interactive Table

The InTouch table technology will revolutionize your trade show exhibiting experience:

  • Leave the crates of sales brochures in storage; the InTouch table can access all of your latest product literature, videos, slide show presentations and materials without the cost of printing and shipping sales literature.
  • Your sales literature is always highlighting the latest product features and benefits because the software can be instantly changed and updated unlike printed product brochures.
  • Access social media outlets like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to provide real time updates about the trade show event and your products and services.
  • The interactivity, professional presentation and unique approach will raise the bar on your sales presentation.
  • The InTouch screen allows for immediate interaction for the attendee, they can sign up for demonstrations, provide contact information, and even share their initial thoughts via social media.
  • InTouch offers back-end reporting and metrics that are custom designed to effortlessly help with your return on investment.

Interactive Technology Is Effortless

The InTouch table is conveniently packaged in one box for ease in delivery to the venue, set-up and return shipping.

InTouch has a multitude of uses outside the trade show environment, from the corporate boardroom to office lobbies.

Contact us today to learn how the Touch Screen Interactive Table can benefit your trade show or find out how Touch Screen Kiosks are used in other industries.
480-966-9873 | 800-709-6935

Clients say...

“We are really glad that we worked together with your company.  You provided us with high quality service.  We will for sure be back to you for organization of other events.”

-Vladislav Serenkov
Chandler Belgium bvba

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f: 480 966-9841

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